I direct and shoot movies for non-profit organizations, socially responsible companies, products, conferences, events, concerts, TV teasers, expos, tutorials, etc.
My current passion-project is making movies which highlight the remarkable work of ‘ChangeMakers’ all over the world (see in video section of website).
I teach and do presentations on ‘Making Movies for Social Impact’ – mostly for youth, and consult on low budget production.
My focus in the 1990’s was producing feature films – primarily independent.
I created and ran Zero Pictures (zeropictures.com) – a filmmakers’ lab actualizing a resourceful, free-form and collaborative approach to the art and craft of making movies.
If each day I learn something, help someone, and laugh – life is great. If walking in the mountains, experiencing a new person or place, getting kissed by a goat, even better.
To know my work (and me), visit websites above, view pages herein, google me, check youtube.com and imdb.com, ask people about me, and email – mkastenbaum@mac.com.