Change Now Media


Stories and Action – a World Transformed

Thru Stories…                                                                                                                                         We see, hear and are touched by all the people on our planet,
We have a greater appreciation and enjoyment of life,
We awaken and stir others and ourselves to co-create a better world.

Movies are the Storytellers’ Canvas of the 21st Century


We Make Movies for…
Charities to support their messaging, fundraising and impact.                                 Corporations directly connected to causes (CSR campaigns).
Social Entrepreneurs (and planet-friendly products) with a Charity tie-in.                           Conferences, Events improving lives and supporting a healthier planet.

We work directly with our clients to define the stories they most want to tell.

Advocacy Movies

Many of our movies are funded by Corporations, Philanthropists, and Donors.

Charities get a ‘free’ movie about their work – to use as they wish.

Sample Movies

Many of our movies are funded directly by Charities.

Whether for Fundraising, Outreach or internal Communications, we craft the right Story.
Whatever your affordable budget, we make it work and deliver tremendous bang for buck!

Sample Movies

Promotional Movies

Movies for Social Entrepreneurs, Planet-Friendly Products, CSR Campaigns

We know how to tell stories about good people doing good things (whatever form it is).
We love to make the world better – every day, one movie at a time!

We bring our skills in Filmmaking to a variety of Pro-Social ventures.                                      We usually focus on the charitable tie-in of the business.

Live Streaming Events

Our proprietary Technology enables us to live-stream your Events, Galas, Conferences.

All your supporters can join in every event, including silent auctions and raffles!

Marketing (Strategy, Supervision, Implementation)

Our Marketing Partners help our clients achieve substantial results!

We promote videos through various social networks.
We create a social media and e-mail strategy to raise awareness.
We compel existing subscribers to become advocates by sharing content.
We create a digital “word-of-mouth” – building momentum behind the Cause.
We increase website traffic substantially.
We increase donation prospects during fundraising campaigns.

Workshops (for all interested Storytellers and Filmmakers)

We focus on documentaries and advocacy, while exploring all movie genres.                        We inspire and educate people to their power as storytellers and world-transformers.


1) Discover your Inspiration thru creativity exercises and communication games.
2) Write and Share Stories for Entertainment and Impact.
3) Calls-to-Action – Movies for Social Change.
4) Genres, Theory, History, Aesthetics, Style, Technology (also for social impact).
5) Tools to Make Movies at all budgets (Cameras, Microphones, Accessories, etc.).
6) Pre-Production – Team, Casting, Budgeting – all Logistics & Preparation.
7) Production – Everything you need to know about actually Shooting the Movie.
8) Post-Production – Editing, Music, and all final Elements to complete the Movie.
9) Business – Marketing, Distribution and having a Career as a Movie-Maker


Our expertise, guidance and tools launch creative, thoughtful, confident filmmakers.
Our immersion programs are 1 Day, 2 Days, 1 Week and 2 Weeks in duration.

We create courses to fit your schedule – 2 hours minimum (Schools, Companies, etc.)
Students typically end up with a completed movie personally made by them.

Ages, Groups, Fees

Curriculums are tailored to 3 age-groups: 1) under 13, 2) 14-20, 4) 21 and up.
Groups are ideally between 15 and 30 Students (1 instructor per 15 students).

Our fees vary greatly depending on circumstances and we offer partial and full subsidies.
Our students’ movies often get wide online distribution.


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